The Only Time You Have is Now

So begin to let go of repeated thoughts of the past and future

What is Mindfulness?

A practice where you bring your attention to the present moment and observe your thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations with self-compassion.

How can mindfulness make a difference to your lifestyle?

If you feel you are sometimes extroverted and other times introverted. You could be an ambivert, like me!

It's important to balance your energy to support your overall wellbeing.

Mindfulness can help with this.

A regular mindfulness practice can help you:

Develop self-compassion and become kinder to yourself

Reduce anxiety and stress

Improve focus and concentration

Increase your awareness of your thoughts, behaviours and emotions

Develop deeper and meaningful relationships with others

Improve attention and concentration 

Being mindfully aware of yourself and others you can start to recognise what and who drains your energy. Helping you to set boundaries within your personal and professional life.

Research has shown that mindfulness has been connected to an improved satisfaction in life, an increased ability to take actions on your values and interests, as well as being important for your overall wellbeing

(Brown & Ryan, 2003)

Who can practice mindfulness? 


You can practice mindfulness at any time throughout your day


“Although I'm a big proponent of formal meditation—for the discipline, joy, and calm it brings—I'm moving into an even greater phase of being fully present all the time.

It's a heightened state of being that lets whatever you're doing be your best life, from moment to astonishing moment.”

- Oprah Winfrey

Ready to unlock a feeling of being rather than doing?

I would love to work with you through…

8 Weeks Online

Private Mindfulness Coaching

Be supported to develop a mindfulness practice that becomes a natural part of your daily life.

During each one hour session. You’ll receive ongoing support and suggestions to help you throughout your journey to a more mindful life.

What is Included?

These sessions will be tailored to your needs however a typical session may include:


Grounding exercise

Mindfulness Meditation


Reflection and Questions

Integrating Mindfulness into your life

Action Planning

Bonus included:

X2 Mindfulness meditation audios

You’ll be sent a short questionnaire before your session, this will help me tailor the meditation and coaching to your needs.

Invest in yourself by looking after your wellbeing



I offer reduced prices for marginalised communities including Black & People of Colour, Disabled and LGBT+ individuals. 
Please get in touch by emailing me at for more information.

Please note: If you have experienced PTSD or serious health issues please speak to your GP or other relevant medical practitioner before practicing mindfulness meditation.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me at

Self Compassion Bundle

Develop kindness towards yourself with compassion practices from the comfort of your home. 

Practising self-compassion can help you:

Become mindful of your thoughts and feelings

Increase happiness

Improve relationship within yourself and with others

Develop care and kindness towards yourself

Reduce self-criticism

Understand that you're not alone and other people have similar experiences to you

The more you practice the more you will notice the benefits!

This beginner friendly bundle includes:


Journal Prompts Workbook

x2 Mindfulness Meditation Audios

Would you like mindfulness, self-care and inspirational reminders everytime you look at your phone?

Add 12 phone wallpapers to your bundle for only £3!

Usually £5.55 each if purchased separately

Available with a yellow or purple background

Read more about the wallpapers and see colour options by clicking here (yellow) and here for purple.


Bundle- £7

Bundle + Phone Wallpapers- £10

What Others Say

Listening to your voice is so soothing and made me feel relaxed right from the start. It felt reassuring to be reminded and to think about what life might feel and look like for my baby, from her perspective.

Life can sometimes feel full on and tiring and It felt good to slow down and to think in the moment and let other thoughts and anxieties momentarily disappear. Afterwards I felt wonderfully calm, and relaxed. Thank you!”

Annabel, mum of 8 month old baby & 4 year old

Mum and Baby Meditation

“It was an amazing experience to meditate and find stillness in a public space. It was also amazing that there were so many who could not embrace the stillness and silence.

Natasha's voice is very soothing and reassuring as it leads you through the meditations and exercises. 

It was a remarkably brave concept and practice within the space and speaks volumes to her inner strength,insight and skills in sharing what she knows in an understated but remarkably powerful way.”


Connect to Joy Mindfulness , Discover Your Flare* Festival

About Me

Hello, I'm Natasha.

I'm a Yoga Teacher specialising in Yin & Yoga Nidra, Mindfulness Teacher and Coach. 

I have been practicing mindfulness and meditation since 2018. Although I first discovered yoga and meditation when I was around 6 years old. I was given practices to do at home after my kids yoga class and I used to sit crossed legged with my hands in a Yoga Mudra and chant Aum! 

I'm passionate about sharing yoga, mindfulness and meditation practices with people like you who are looking to slow down and feel a sense of balance and flow in life.

I look forward to connecting with you soon!